SCSI-IDE Converters: Affordable, high SCSI Capacities Print This Page
SCSI to IDE Converters are using IDE drives instead of expensive SCSI drives

IDE instead of SCSI !
SCSI to IDE converters makes highest SCSI capacities affordable as IDE

SCSI auf IDE Konverter machen hohe SCSI Kapazitäten preiswert

HD mit SCSIDE-BR3 Wechselrahmen mit SCSIDE-BR2SCSIDE HD mit SCSIDE3.5W

SCSI drives are more expensive than IDE/ATAPI or UDMA33/66/100 harddrives. If it comes to 18GB or up, the price difference between IDE harddrives and harddrives with UltraSCSI-2 or UltraWideSCSI interface could become 100% and much more.

Now there is a solution that allows the use of cheaper IDE/UDMA drives instead, using special IDE to SCSI converters. These converters could be used with any IDE, ATAPI or UltraDMA drive to achieve affordable SCSI storage solution in enviroments, where SCSI is the only or better solution. The converters are available in different versions that connects direct to the 40pin IDE/UDMA Interface of the drives or fits under the drives to avoid possible space problems in special systems or removeable racks. Complete kits including harddrives and external SCSI(IDE) stations are available as well.

The HighPerTEC SCSI-ExTerminators are available with 5,25" removeable drivekits that accomodates 3,5" IDE or UltraDMA 33/66/100 harddrives. The removeable kits can be used in external SCSI enclosures as well or internal in 5,25" drive bays from PCs. The converters could be used with other drives such as CDs, CD-R, DVD, LS120, ZIP and other IDE, ATAPI and UltraDMA drives. All converters are working independant of the operating system without any software or device drivers on any standard SCSI controller, MACs, workstations and other systems with a SCSI interface. Professional video and audio systems (ex. Casablanca) can use this cheap solution for high SCSI capacities as well.
  • SCSI-IDE Wandler with built in High-Speed 8032 Microcontroller for fastest transfer rates
  • PIO mode support 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 (IDE, ATAPI,UDMA)
  • MultiWord DMA mode 0, 1, 2
  • Ultra DMA mode 0,1,2 up to 33MB (works with UltraDMA66 and UltraDMA100 drives as well)
  • Synchronized datattransfer up to 20MBs with Ultra SCSI-2 version (50pin)
  • Synchronized datatransfer up to 40MBs with Ultra Wide-SCSI version (68pin)
  • Supports harddrives, CD, CD-R, DVD and other IDE, ATAPI and UltraDMA drives
  • No software or drivers needed. Works with any operating systems: DOS, Windows (alle), Unix, Linux, Novell, OS/2 a.s.o.
  • Perfect for affordable NAS or CD-Servers using IDE harddrives instead of expensive SCSI drives
  • SCSI-ID and termination is selsctable via DIP-Switches or jumpers on the converter
Press Releases and Downloads:
SCSI to IDE Manual/Installation in PDF format (Acrobat Reader necessary), 240KB, 12 Pages
Test in PC Direkt 8/2000       Test in PC-World         Introduction in ComputerPartner
Question and answers SCSI to IDE
Prices (all prices for commercial users only). Dealerprices (Password required)


UltraSCSI to IDE/UDMA Converters (50pin SCSI to 40pin IDE/UDMA)
SCSI-IDE converter mounts direct on 40pin interface of the drive (harddrive, CD, CD-R, DVD, LS120, ZIP) and connects to any 50pin UltraSCSI controller.
SCSI-ID 0 to 7, Termination selectable
Size: 120x40x20mm

SCSI-IDE converter mounts under any 3,5" IDE/UDMA aharddrive and connects to any 50pin UltraSCSI controller. This space saving version could be used together with the harddrive in (the drawer of) standard IDE removeable drive kits.
SCSI-ID 0 to 7, Termination selectable
Size: 145x100x10mm
SCSI-IDE converter mounts under any 2,5" IDE/UDMA Notebookdrive and connects to the special 50pin UltraSCSI controller (NB-version). This space saving version could be used together with low profile IDE/UDMA harddrives in notebooks such as older Apple PowerBooks. More applications are as a replacement for high power 3,5" drives used in industrial control systems with space limitations, measurement control or battery driven systems, where low power consumption is a must.
SCSI-ID 0 to 7, Termination selectable
Size: 95x70x5mm
UltraWide SCSI to IDE/UDMA Converters (68pin WideSCSI to 40pin IDE)
SCSI-IDE converter mounts direct on 40pin interface of the drive (harddrive, CD, CD-R, DVD, LS120, ZIP) and connects to any 68pin UltraWideSCSI controller. Fits direct behind any drive without extended parts, so that it fits together with the drive in standard 3,5" drive bays.
SCSI-ID 0 to 14, Termination selectable
Size: 90x35x20mm

SCSIDE3.5W UltraWideSCSI auf IDE/UDMA Wandler SCSIDE3.5W UltraWideSCSI to IDE/UDMA
SCSI-IDE converter mounts under any 3,5" IDE/UDMA harddrive and connects to any 68pin UltraWideSCSI controller. This space saving version could be used together with the harddrive in (the drawer of) standard IDE removeable drive kits.
SCSI-ID 0 to 14, Termination selectable
Size: 140x100x10mm
SCSIDE harddives (UDMA HDs with WideSCSI or UltraSCSI converter)
SCSIDE Festplatten SCSIDE harddrives with UltraWideSCSI (68pin) or UltraSCSI (50pin) Interface
Complete IDE/UDMA33/66/100 harddrives with mounted SCSI-IDE converters and capacities up to 75 GB for easy installation in any PC, Server, Workstation, MAC or external SCSI Subsystems / enclosures. The SCSIDE harddrives can be used the same way as regular UltraSCSI or UltraWideSCSI harddrives. The large cache size from 2MB to 4MB offers higher datatransfer rates than many other regular SCSI drives. The converters are mounted under the drive so that the complete units could be used in the drawers from standard SCSI removeable drive kits.
SCSI-Stations for 1 to 7 IDE/UDMA drives (WideSCSI + UltraSCSI)
SCSIDE Stationen SCSIDE-Stations UltraSCSI + UWideSCSI
Highest, cost effective external SCSI capacites are available as external stations using integrated SCSI to IDE converters. These SCSIDE Stations are using IDE/UltraDMA 33/66/100 harddrives instead of expensive SCSI drives and can accomodate up to 7 drives in 5,25" drive bays. The SCSIDE Stations are available with UltraSCSI or UltraWideSCSI interface. Stylish units with translucent design are available for Apple MAC users as well.
SCSIDE ExTerminators: The best solution for affordable high capacity SCSI storage !

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SCSI auf IDE / ATAPI Wandler / Konverter
Ultra160 LVD 68pin SCSI auf IDE / UDMA Wandler, Montage direkt hinter der IDE Festplatte248,53 US$ 
 68pin U160 LVD-SCSI Buchse auf 40pin IDE / UDMA 3,5 Zoll Festplatten (nicht für CD, DVD, BD oder Brenner) - Abverkauf!
IDE auf SATA + SATA auf IDE Wandler / Konverter
SATA auf IDE Wandler, Montage hinter 3,5 Zoll IDE Festplatte, CD, DVD, BD, Brenner49,50 US$ 
 SATA Buchse auf 40pin IDE Buchse, PIO Mode Support 0-6 bis 133MB/s Lagerabverkauf - dann E.O.L.
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